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新墨西哥专科学校 offers one of 的 lowest tuition 州里的成本.

负债累累. 新墨西哥的学费很低 Junior College is one of 的 best values not only in New Mexico, but 的 entire region.
Our affordable tuition rates offer unique opportunities to 
学习,探索和发现你的激情,你的事业, 你的生活!


世界十大博彩公司网站区内居民学费(利县居民) Maximum cost for fifteen (15) hours or more per semester: $600
Cost per hour for one through fifteen hours per semester: $40.00

新墨西哥州区外居民学费 Maximum cost for fifteen (15) hours or more per semester: $900.00
Cost per hour for one through fifteen hours per semester: $60.00

州外居民学费 Maximum cost for fifteen (15) hours or more per semester: $1,125.00
Cost per hour for one through fifteen hours per semester: $75.00

 一般使用费 $20.00 /学时
网上课程收费 $40.00 /门
互动电视课程(独立电视台) $40.00 /门  
 拒付支票费 $25.每张支票00美元
成绩单费(官方和非官方) $5.每份65元
实验室和课程费用可能会增加到某些课程. 此外,测试费用可能 申请某些课程.
Students who audit courses (those who enroll in classes for no credit) will pay 的 same tuition and fees as those 学生 taking 的 classes for credit.

In-district Senior Citizen (Lea County Residents 55 years of age and 以上) Tuition is waived, however 的 appropriate fees will be charged.

区外老年人(65岁 & 以上) 学费5美元.00 per credit hour for 的 first six hours will be charged and all 需要支付费用. 超过6小时按正常费率收费. 

州外老年人(55岁 & 以上) 学杂费 will be charged 的 normal rates with no discount. 



所有欠学院的款项为 48小时内付款 到世界十大博彩公司网站营业处或通过 Nelnet在线支付解决方案Students will be dropped (removed), from registered classes if payment (including financial aid, scholarships, and payment plans) is not processed within 48 hours of 登记.  This payment policy applies to all amounts including tuition and fees, housing, meal plans, bookstore charges, checks returned for insufficient funds, and charges 学生违规或损坏国家赛马会财产. 



Even with 世界十大博彩公司网站's low tuition, funding your education can be complicated at times. 世界十大博彩公司网站 will help you navigate 的 process and find opportunities that will save you 钱.

1. 联邦和州财政援助 Commonly referred to as 的 FAFSA, 的 Free Application for Federal Student Aid is 你的第一步. Find out if you are eligible for valuable grants, student loans and 勤工助学工作. 永远不要认为你不够格! 填好这张表格,得到通知 世界赌博十大网站你的实物期权. 要开始,请访问 FAFSA 使用世界十大博彩公司网站的学校代码002655. 

如需完整信息,请联系 财政援助办事处.

2. 奖学金 奖学金是资助你的教育的好方法. 越来越多的人可以使用 每天都是,而且不用还钱! 你可以申请按需奖学金 which take into account your financial needs, and/or merit-based scholarships that 是否因学业和个人成就而获得奖励.

3. 付款计划或全额付款 交学费很容易 世界十大博彩公司网站的NelNet支付计划. It breaks your expenses into monthly payments, and if you plan ahead, you can pay 相当于一个学期四五个月的费用. 

申请 NelNet支付计划,您必须首先访问New T-BirdWeb门户. Once inside your portal, 的re is a link for 的 NelNet Portal. 有第一组 up your account through NelNet, you will have several options to choose from depending 当你注册时. 你可以选择全额支付学费. 你也可以设置 a payment plan that allows you to pay throughout 的 semester. 付款方式包括 银行自动支付(ACH)或信用卡和借记卡. 25美元的注册费(每个) semester) will be assessed at 的 time of 登记 in a payment plan. 


4. 退伍军人的福利 退伍军人可以享受经济福利. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 的 经验丰富的服务.

世界十大博彩公司网站 is approved by 的 New Mexico 退伍军人部' 服务 State Approving 机构(GI法案®). Most 世界十大博彩公司网站 course offerings are approved and meet veteran’s educational 联邦和州法律规定的援助标准.

Tuition waivers are available for 学生 who qualify for in-state tuition from out-of-state 状态 under 的 various federal programs and state legislative action. 为特定的 有关资料,请与退伍军人事务部注册处联络.

Eligible 学生 may apply for VA 好处 through 的 Enrollment Management Office 通过提交适当的表格. 表格如下:
• Veteran’s Application for Program of Education or Training;
• Disabled Veteran’s Application for Vocational Rehabilitation;
• Application for Education Assistance; and

VA 好处 for qualified 学生 are computed on full-time or part-time academic 状态. Full-time 学生 are those who maintain twelve (12) or more credit hours 整个16周的学期.

Along with 的 application for Program of Education or Training, 的 student must include certified copies of discharge (DD-214) and, when applicable, original marriage license and birth certificates of children claimed as dependents. 和其他世界十大博彩公司网站一样 学生, veterans who receive educational 好处 through 的 VA are expected to perform at an acceptable academic level and attend each class session. 每学期, 的 faculty is made aware of veterans receiving education 好处. 一个学生 does not satisfy faculty standards of attendance or course performance may be dropped 从教授的课堂上. 当退伍军人的课程负荷改变时,退伍军人事务部也会改变 立即通知状态变化. 老兵将被追究责任 任何超额付款. Veterans are encouraged to take advantage of 的 available college 咨询服务. Each veteran is assigned a faculty advisor who provides guidance relative to program planning, scheduling, and o的r areas of academic progress. 的 services of a professional counselor are also available to 的 veteran through 的 大学辅导办公室. 经历学业困难的老兵是 期望利用这些服务. 欲了解更多信息,请访问或致电 的 veterans assistance personnel in 的 Registrar’s Office.

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679(e), this educational institution adopts 的 following additional provisions for any 学生 using U.S. 退伍军人部 事务部(VA) 9/11后.I. 比尔®(Ch. 33)或职业康复 & 就业 (Ch. 31) 好处, while payment to 的 institution is pending from VA. 这种教育 机构不得:
  • 阻止学生入学;
  •  评估学生的滞纳金;
  •  Require 的 student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  •  Deny 的 student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or o的r institutional facilities) available to o的r 学生 who have satisfied 的ir tuition 以及给机构的费用账单.
However, to qualify for this provision, such 学生 may be required to:
  •  Produce 的 VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by 的 first day of class;
  •  提供要求核证的书面要求;
  •  Provide additional information needed to properly certify 的 enrollment as described 在其他制度政策中.


GI Bill®是美国的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by 的 VA is available at 的 U.S. 政府网站 www.好处.va.gov / gibill

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